Friday, November 2, 2012

A Girl With Words

My name is Amy.
Today I drove to work and I saw the sun coming up- the pink sky was beautiful in contrast to the grey clouds that covered the valley- and I started to think about how difficult it is to describe certain things in life.
Like the impossible colors splashed across the sky on a beautiful morning. Like the indescribable joy you feel when a dog curls up in your lap and falls asleep. Like the most perfectly timed kiss, the kind that catches you off guard and leaves you wishing you were just a pair of lips and nothing more. Like birds chirping and babies laughing and wildflowers and chocolate.

There is so much beauty and so many words and I feel compelled to at least try to put them down. I'm hoping that I can stay honest and true to myself, that I an write how I think...that the words that come to me will translate truly and still make sense. If you're here, and you're reading this, and you're wondering why I even started writing...I don't have an answer. Just these words, some spare time, and a sincere and relentless belief that this world is beautiful, that we have more than enough to be thankful for, and that God is always, always, always good.