Monday, November 5, 2012

Stuck Behind a Desk With Too Much To Say


Let a telemarketer give you their speech about some product you don't really need without hanging up on them or cutting them off. THEY ARE PEOPLE TOO believe it or not, and they are just doing their job.

If you see a dog on the side of the road and it's alone and looks it like it might just be oblivious enough to run out into traffic...stop. It takes 5 minutes to save a dog, and maybe a family somewhere some heartache. If you think someone else will stop and help the're probably wrong. Everyone else always thinks "Someone ELSE can do the right thing, not me..." Think about it people! We domesticated them! It's our responsibility to take care of them!

Turn your face to the sun and feel -really feel -how free you are. Too many people in this world don't realize how much injustice there is, and how privileged they are.

Realize that a baby is a miracle. That a brand new human life, right from conception, no matter what the circumstances are, whether its socially wrong to have the baby, or you just don't really want one right now, REALIZE THAT IT IS A LIFE AND YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TAKE IT. I absolutely do not want to offend anyone, and please forgive me if I have touched a nerve, but there is needless abortions happening everyday...there are so many options available...I believe in women's rights, but more than that, I believe in human rights. Each individual person, no matter how they are conceived, has the right to life.

Remember that of all the places you could have been born, of all the lives you could have had, God gave you this one, and it's yours. Live it unafraid to be completely and wholly you. Do not waste your time fearing man, what your neighbors may say, or what your friends are doing....Do exactly what you want. Trust in God, and trust yourself.

Love with everything you have. Everything.

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